Build an epic game or metaverse experience using web3 tech.
Make it easy for the next generation of developers to engage with web3 tech.
Identify a kick-ass web2 app or service and put it on web3 rails.
Solve a sustainibility, community or governance challenge in DAOs, ReFi or other areas.
Scale your Dapp with Polygon PoS (Testnet/Mainnet)
Best use of Chainlink Price Feeds, VRF, Keepers or Any-API in your gaming or metaverse project.
Best use of Fluence.
Fun playable games with web3-native publishing and monetization
Scale your Dapp with Polygon PoS (Testnet/Mainnet)
Best use of Chainlink Price Feeds, VRF, Keepers or Any-API with your developer tooling.
Best use of Fluence.
Innovative dev tools published onto Valist. Bonus points for using Valist as an access control/versioning mechanism for packages.
Scale your Dapp with Polygon PoS (Testnet/Mainnet)
Best use of Chainlink Price Feeds, VRF, Keepers or Any-API in your Web2 clone project.
Best use of Fluence.
You just build an awesome web3 app - now distribute it via web3 and make it fully decentralized!
Scale your Dapp with Polygon PoS (Testnet/Mainnet)
Best use of Chainlink Price Feeds, VRF, Keepers or Any-API with your DAOs, ReFi or other sustainibility or community project.
Best use of Fluence.
Most innovative use of Tableland across any track. Rewarded to the teams that demonstrate a novel use case using dynamic, relational (meta)data. Bonus points - cross-chain SQL queries (e.g., SELECTs, JOINs, INSERTs, etc.) using at least 2 of the following networks: Ethereum, Optimism, and/or Polygon.
Most innovative use of XMTP across any track.
Split between all Polygon projects. Scale your Dapp with Polygon PoS (Testnet/Mainnet)
Distributed to the best project with Chainlink integration that doesn’t fit the previously mentioned categories.
Best use of Fluence.
Split between all projects on Valist.
Split between any projects published using XMTP.
Special Ledger Prize Packages are awarded to each member of the;