April 4, 2024

Which is the Best Crypto Logo API to Get the Logo of a Token?

Table of Contents

Are you searching for the best crypto logo API? If so, look no further! In today’s guide, we’ll introduce you to Moralis’ Token API, the ultimate tool for querying crypto token logos. In addition to introducing you to this API, we’ll also briefly compare its capabilities to the competition to highlight the benefits of working with Moralis. For a little sneak peek, check out the chart below showing the token coverage of Moralis vs. Alchemy vs. QuickNode: 

Comparison chart - Comparing top crypto logo API providers, including Moralis, Alchemy, and QuickNode

As you can see, Moralis clearly stands out as the leader in terms of token coverage. Now, if you’d like to learn more about this and why Moralis is the #1 API provider for crypto token logos, join us down below as we dive deeper into the best crypto logo API.

Also, if you immediately want to use our Moralis’ Token API for logos, then you should know that you can do so for free. Simply sign up with Moralis, and you’ll be able to start querying token logos without breaking a sweat!

Want to Use the Industry's
Leading Web3 APIs?


When building decentralized applications (dapps), you’ll likely want to integrate cryptocurrency token logos into your projects. This is a great way to improve the user experience of your dapp and significantly boost engagement. However, what is the best crypto logo API? And how do you query token logos? Well, if you’re looking for the answer to these questions, join us in this guide as we explore the best crypto logo API!

Showing crypto token logos in the Web3 space - graphic art illustration

Whether you’re building a new project from scratch or want to scale an existing dapp, this read is for you. Let’s jump straight into it and start by introducing the #1 crypto logo API – Moralis’ Token API!

Moralis’ Token API – Exploring the Best Crypto Logo API 

Moralis’ Token API is the industry’s premier interface when it comes to ERC-20 token data. This API supports every single token across all major chains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Smart Chain (BSC), and many others! 

Marketing Banner (graphic art illustration) - Showing the Crypto Token Logo API title on orange background

To make the process of querying crypto logos as straightforward as possible, we decided to enrich all Token API responses with this data. As such, when querying one of our endpoints for balances, prices, metadata, etc., you’ll automatically get token logos in the same requests. This makes it super easy to integrate engaging visuals into your dapps, as you don’t have to bother with additional calls or providers to get crypto token logos.

To highlight the accessibility of querying logos of cryptocurrencies with Moralis, we’ll briefly explore the getWalletTokenBalancesPrice() endpoint of our Token API. With this endpoint, you only need a single call to fetch a wallet’s token balances with prices, logos, and other essential metadata:

import Moralis from 'moralis';

try {
  await Moralis.start({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY"

  const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.wallets.getWalletTokenBalancesPrice({
    "chain": "0x1",
    "address": "0xcB1C1FdE09f811B294172696404e88E658659905"

} catch (e) {

Before calling the code above, you must replace YOUR_API_KEY with your Moralis API key and configure the parameters to fit your query. Here’s an example of what the response might look like: 

  "result": [
      "token_address": "0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84",
      "symbol": "stETH",
      "name": "Liquid staked Ether 2.0",
      "logo": "https://logo.moralis.io/0x1_0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84_cd0f5053ccb543e08f65554bf642d751",
      "thumbnail": "https://logo.moralis.io/0x1_0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84_cd0f5053ccb543e08f65554bf642d751",
      "decimals": 18,
      "balance": "90318376196090571",
      "possible_spam": false,
      "verified_contract": true,
      "balance_formatted": "0.090318376196090571",
      "usd_price": 3586.211067676367,
      "usd_price_24hr_percent_change": 2.6911259013267164,
      "usd_price_24hr_usd_change": 96.5094549184841,
      "usd_value": 323.9007603289777,
      "usd_value_24hr_usd_change": 8.71657725580729,
      "native_token": false,
      "portfolio_percentage": 54.6316

That highlights the accessibility of querying logos with Moralis. If you’d like to explore all our available endpoints, please check out our official Token API documentation page! 

Best Crypto Logo API – Moralis vs. Alchemy vs. QuickNode 

To further highlight why Moralis’ Token API stands out as the best tool for querying logos, let’s compare this interface to some of our closest competitors. More specifically, we’ll compare Moralis to Alchemy and QuickNode to see how these providers stack up! 

  • Token Logo Support: Both Moralis and Alchemy’s APIs provide the functionality for fetching token logos. In comparison, QuickNode doesn’t support token logo queries in their endpoints. 
  • Accessibility: With Moralis’ Token API, you automatically get token logos when querying balances, prices, etc. Alchemy’s API responses are less comprehensive, meaning you’ll have to query a separate endpoint to get logos. This can result in thousands of additional API calls and extra costs when you build a dapp, for example. 
  • Token Coverage: In terms of token coverage, Moralis stands out as the industry leader. To measure this, we fetched the logos of Vitalik’s ERC-20 tokens across Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism. The results showed that Moralis has an impressive 97.55% coverage; meanwhile, Alchemy only has 82.88%: 
Chart comparing the top token logo providers for crypto and how Moralis wins when comparing to quicknode and alchemy

Overall, Moralis stands out as the best crypto logo API for two main reasons: our endpoints are designed to minimize the number of calls needed to build dapps, and we have higher token coverage than the competition!

How to Get Crypto Token Logos in 3 Steps 

To show you how to get crypto token logos with Moralis, we’ll use our getWalletTokenBalancesPrice() endpoint as an example. And thanks to the accessibility of working with the Token API, you’ll be able to get the data you need in three straightforward steps: 

  1. Get a Moralis API Key
  2. Write a Script Calling the getWalletTokenBalancesPrice() Endpoint
  3. Run the Code

But before we can jump into the first step, you need to take care of a couple of prerequisites!


For this tutorial on how to get crypto token logos, we’ll be using JavaScript and Node.js. As such, before you proceed, make sure you have these ready: 

  • Node.js v.14+
  • Npm/Yarn

Step 1: Get a Moralis API Key 

On Moralis’ homepage, start by clicking on the ”Start for Free” button at the top and register an account with Moralis:

Get crypto token logos step 1 - Sign up for a free Moralis account

With an account at hand, head on over to the ”Settings” tab, scroll down to the ”API Keys” section, and fetch your API key: 

Substep 1 - Copy API key

Keep the key for now, as you’re going to need it in the following step to initialize Moralis!

Step 2: Write a Script Calling the getWalletTokenBalancesPrice() Endpoint 

Open your preferred IDE and set up a new folder. Next, open a new terminal and run the following command to initialize a new project: 

npm init

You can then install the required dependencies by executing the terminal commands below:

npm install node-fetch --save
npm install moralis @moralisweb3/common-evm-utils

From here, open the ”package.json” file and add ”type”: ”module” to the list: 

Step 2 - open the ”package.json” file and add ”type”: ”module” to the list

Next, set up a new ”index.js” file in the root folder and add the following code snippet: 

import Moralis from 'moralis';

try {
  await Moralis.start({
    apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY"

  const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.wallets.getWalletTokenBalancesPrice({
    "chain": "0x1",
    "address": "0xcB1C1FdE09f811B294172696404e88E658659905"

} catch (e) {

You then need to make some minor configurations to the code, and you can start by replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your Moralis API key: 

Step 2 substep - replace YOUR_API_KEY with your Moralis API key

From here, configure the chain and address parameters to fit your request: 

Step 2 substep - configure the chain and address parameters to fit your request:

And that’s it for the code; you’re now ready to run the script!

Step 3: Run the Code 

To run the code, you need to open a new terminal and run the following command in the root folder of the project: 

node index.js

In return for running the command above, you’ll get an array of token objects containing the balances, prices, and, of course, crypto logos. Here’s an example of what it will look like: 

  "result": [
      "token_address": "0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84",
      "symbol": "stETH",
      "name": "Liquid staked Ether 2.0",
      "logo": "https://logo.moralis.io/0x1_0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84_cd0f5053ccb543e08f65554bf642d751",
      "thumbnail": "https://logo.moralis.io/0x1_0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84_cd0f5053ccb543e08f65554bf642d751",
      "decimals": 18,
      "balance": "90318376196090571",
      "possible_spam": false,
      "verified_contract": true,
      "balance_formatted": "0.090318376196090571",
      "usd_price": 3586.211067676367,
      "usd_price_24hr_percent_change": 2.6911259013267164,
      "usd_price_24hr_usd_change": 96.5094549184841,
      "usd_value": 323.9007603289777,
      "usd_value_24hr_usd_change": 8.71657725580729,
      "native_token": false,
      "portfolio_percentage": 54.6316

You can preview the images by visiting the logo URLs in the response. For stETH, it looks like this: 

Result from running the code to get crypto token logos - showing the Ether logo

That’s it; getting logos doesn’t have to be more challenging than that when using Moralis. From here, you can seamlessly integrate logos into your dapps to provide a more compelling and visually appealing user experience! 

Crypto Token Logos Use Cases

Most dapps can benefit from crypto token logos as they positively contribute to the user experience. However, to give you some concrete examples of when logos come in handy, let’s look at three prominent use cases: 

  • Token Analytics: Token analytics platforms are websites or applications that give users in-depth insight into the performance of tokens. These platforms typically feature token pages and token lists, two components that require logos. 
Token Analytics platform example for token logos
  • Portfolio Trackers: Portfolio trackers give users a complete overview of all their digital holdings, including stocks, NFTs, and ERC-20 tokens. These platforms generally have some form of portfolio view displaying the tokens that users hold. Consequently, portfolio trackers can greatly benefit from integrating logos as it contributes to a more compelling user experience. 
Portfolio tracker app example and token logo use cases
  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): DEXs are peer-to-peer marketplaces for trading cryptocurrencies. These platforms typically list tokens that users can trade, and integrating crypto token logos can significantly boost engagement as the interface becomes more visually appealing. 
DEX example platform using token logos and the Moralis Token API

Beyond the Best Crypto Logo API – Diving Deeper into Moralis 

The benefits of using Moralis extend far beyond our Token API. As such, let’s dive a bit deeper into Moralis and learn more about this industry-leading platform! 

So, what is Moralis? 

Moralis is the industry’s premier Web3 infra provider, and by leveraging our tools, you can streamline the integration of blockchain data into your dapps. Our suite of development tools includes more than ten use case-specific APIs, nodes for all major blockchain networks, and much more. So, when working with Moralis, you can seamlessly build everything from portfolio trackers to cryptocurrency wallets without breaking a sweat! 

Moralis Logo

But why should you leverage Moralis when building dapps?

  • One API – All the Data: Moralis’ APIs are designed with the outcome in mind, minimizing the number of calls you need to build dapps. This is possible as we have enriched our API responses with data from multiple on-chain and off-chain sources, giving you more data with fewer requests. 
  • Cross-Chain compatibility: Our APIs support all major chains, including Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Smart Chain, and many others. As such, when building dapps with Moralis, you don’t have to bother integrating different providers for various chains. 
  • Trusted By Industry Leaders: Moralis is trusted by hundreds of thousands of developers and industry-leading enterprises like MetaMask, Delta, and Blockchain.com.
Highlighting industry leading companies using Moralis for token logo coverage, including MetaMask, Blockchain.com, Delta, etc.

Now, with an overview of what Moralis is, let’s dive deeper into our premier suite of Web3 APIs!

Moralis’ API Suite 

Moralis’ suite of development tools comprises over ten premier APIs, and we won’t be able to cover them all in this section. As such, we’ll instead focus on three interfaces you’ll likely find helpful when building dapps: 

  • Wallet API: Moralis’ Wallet API is the industry’s premier tool for integrating wallet functionality into your dapps. With single lines of code, you can use the Wallet API to effortlessly fetch the net worth, profitability, balance, trading history, etc., of any wallet. Consequently, when using this interface, you can build everything from cryptocurrency wallets to portfolio trackers without breaking a sweat. 
Morlais title with "M" logo on the left
  • NFT API: The NFT API is the ultimate interface for integrating NFT data into your dapps. With single API calls, you can leverage this tool to query NFT balances, metadata, prices, etc. As such, when working with the NFT API, you can build Web3 games, NFT marketplaces, and much more. 
  • Streams API: With Moralis’ Streams API, you can set up streams at the click of a button to receive instant updates sent directly to your project’s backend via webhooks as soon as something important happens on-chain. As such, this API allows you to easily set up Web3 alerts for your dapps to boost user engagement and retention. 

However, this only covers three examples of prominent Moralis APIs. If you want to explore all our premier interfaces, please check out our official Web3 API page! 

Summary: Which is the Best Crypto Logo API to Get the Logo of a Token?

Whether you’re building a DEX, cryptocurrency wallet, or any other project, you’ll likely want to integrate token logos into your projects. This is a great way to improve the user experience of your dapp and boost engagement. However, which is the best crypto logo API to get token logos? 

Showing crypto icons in an illustrative art picture

Your best option for querying token logos is to leverage the crypto token logo API from Moralis, a.k.a. the Token API. All our Token API responses are enriched with logos, meaning you’ll automatically get engaging visuals when querying one of our endpoints for balances, prices, metadata, etc. This means you don’t have to bother with additional calls or providers when using Moralis to integrate logos into your projects. 

What’s more, our Token API also offers significantly higher token logo coverage compared to our closest competitors. To measure this, we used the APIs of Moralis, Alchemy, and QuickNode to fetch the logos of Vitalik’s ERC-20 tokens across Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism. QuickNode has 0% coverage as their API doesn’t feature token logo support. Alchemy has 82.88% coverage, and Moralis has an impressive 97.55% token coverage. 

So, if you’d like to enrich your dapps with logos, make sure to leverage Moralis! 

If you liked this crypto logo API article, consider checking out more content here on the blog. For instance, read our article comparing the best Alchemy API alternatives or learn more about SOC 2 in Web3. You should also make sure to sign up for our Moralis Magazine newsletter, which brings you news each week about Web3 development and Moralis!

Lastly, if you want to start querying token logos yourself, don’t forget to sign up with Moralis. You can create an account for free, and you’ll gain immediate access to our Token API! 

Token API
Supercharge your dapp with our leading-edge Token API! Real-time token prices, balances, transfers & much more.
Token API
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