
Fungify revolutionizes the NFT space with its cutting-edge non-custodial marketplace and lending protocol. Discover a peer-to-contract platform that empowers users to trade and lend NFTs securely.


NFT Lending Dapps, NFT Dapps

Supported Chains


What is



Fungify revolutionizes the NFT marketplace and lending landscape with its innovative peer-to-pool protocol. By participating in Fungify, users can securely deposit their NFTs into pools and receive pTokens in return. These pTokens serve as digital representations of ownership rights to specific CNFTs within the pool. Users can redeem their pTokens for CNFTs from the same pool or trade them on various open markets. Fungify further empowers creators by providing a user-friendly platform to establish CNFT-CFT pools for their projects or even launch their projects directly through the platform.

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