Silo Finance

Silo Finance pioneers the development of lending markets that operate without the need for permission and ensure risk isolation.


Decentralized CDPs, DeFi Dapps, Decentralized Lending Dapps

Supported Chains

Ethereum, Arbitrum

What is

Silo Finance


Our innovative lending approach revolutionizes the security of shared-pool DeFi lending platforms. Silo introduces an isolated-pool model, where each token asset has its own dedicated lending market. These assets are paired with the bridge assets ETH and Silo’s over-collateralized stablecoin XAI. By doing so, lenders in all protocols are only exposed to the risks associated with ETH and XAI at any given time.

When lenders deposit funds into the isolated lending market, they are specifically contributing to the lending market of Token ABC and the bridge asset. This isolation ensures that if Token XYZ encounters an exploit or vulnerability, lenders of Token ABC will remain unaffected. The risk is contained within the Token XYZ market, safeguarding lenders of other assets.

Furthermore, our approach eliminates fragmented liquidity and enhances protocol efficiency. Each token asset is paired with either ETH or XAI, resulting in a single market for every token. This prevents the creation of multiple lending markets for each additional pairing, as seen in pure lending pair approaches.

In summary, Silo’s isolated-pool lending model offers enhanced security, isolates risks to specific token markets, and promotes greater liquidity and protocol efficiency compared to traditional shared-pool DeFi lending platforms.

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