April 4, 2023

Morningstar Ventures to Empower Web3 Innovation with Moralis

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We are deepening our collaboration with Morningstar Ventures, as Morningstar Ventures launches a funding program to support builders and Web3 innovation.

Morningstar Ventures joins Moralis’ Investor Ecosystem 

We couldn’t be more excited over that Morningstar Ventures, the Dubai-based investment firm, will deepen their collaboration with us to empower Web3 innovation. Specifically, Morningstar Ventures is joining Moralis’ Ecosystem of Investors initiative, in an effort to help up-and-coming Web3 projects attract funding. 

Specifically, this will allow projects to submit Web3 ideas to Morningstar Ventures for funding consideration. We are happy to work with Morningstar Ventures and can’t wait to see what will come of this collaboration.

We’re thrilled about working even closer together with Morningstar Ventures to empower Web3 innovation,” said Ivan on Tech, CEO of Moralis. “Moralis provides the best tools for building Web3 projects, and Morningstar Ventures are pros when it comes to backing projects with strong growth potential and innovative value propositions. 

How Do I Apply?

You can apply by filling out Morningstar Ventures’ form on our “Ecosystem of Investors” page. As such, you can let Morningstar Ventures know more about your project. After filling out the form, Morningstar Ventures will then be in touch with you.

About Moralis 

Moralis is a leading enterprise-grade Web3 API provider, and seeks to bridge the development gap between Web2 and Web3. Cut down your go-to-market time, cost, and complexity with Moralis’ suite of Web3 APIs

Stream real-time on-chain events into your own backend with Moralis Streams. Understand Web3 events and get human-readable insights with Moralis’ transaction labeling and decoding. Utilize industry-leading Web3 APIs, such as our NFT API, Token API, or DeFi API to realize your Web3 project in a flash. Whether you’re looking to build a wallet or get easy access to free testnet faucets, Moralis has got you covered. Try Moralis for free today!

About Morningstar Ventures

Morningstar Ventures is an investment firm backing ambitious ideas by early-stage founders. Based in Dubai, Morningstar Ventures focuses primarily on the blockchain and digital assets space and is led by CEO Danilo S. Carlucci. The firm is active in both token investments and equity investments.

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